Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I can't believe it's already September. Labor day has already passed, and football season is here!! Football season is one of my most favorite things in the world. I'm trying to pass my love of Gamecock football on to Addison and Fischer. They still won't sit and watch with me though - one day, maybe?! I did turn on the TV the other day and there was another football game on. Addison yelled "Go Cocks!!" Yay - maybe my training is working! :)

Our long weekend was fun, but busy. We started back with potty training. Again. I feel like we can't get over that final hump of making it official. But we made a lot of progress over the weekend. I started a sticker chart for them on Saturday morning. For each time they pottied, they got 1 or 2 stickers, depending on what they did on the potty. They would get to pick their own sticker (I got Toy Story and Princess stickers) and put it on their own chart. Each time they earned 7 stickers, they got to pick a new toy out of the goody bag (which I stocked with "treasures" from the dollar store). It seems to be pretty motivating for them. We will keep up with the sticker charts as long as necessary!

Saturday was a pretty messy day for Addison, and a great day for Fischer. Sunday, they both did great! We even ventured out to a playground in big girl and big boy undies, and they stayed dry! Yesterday was pretty good. We did go to Edventure, so they wore pull-ups there, because we weren't sure how all of that would go. But overall, I am proud of their progress and am encouraged enough to keep going! I'm hoping that wearing pull-ups to school won't set them back too much each time they go.

That's about all that's been going on here. I'm hoping the kids are having fun at school. They seemed to have switched roles - Addison didn't cry this morning but Fischer was very upset and kept saying "I don't want to go to school!" I'll know soon how they did! I really want it to be a fun experience for them.

Here are a some pictures from Edventure yesterday. As usual, it's impossible to get a good picture of them together. And yes, Scott dressed Fischer so they would match. :)

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