Thursday, September 8, 2011

Just a quick post today - Addison and Fischer had a great week at school. WOOHOO!!

Both days were a little rough at drop off for Fischer. His teacher said that on Tuesday she had a talk with him, explained the schedule for the day, and then he was fine. I'm not sure if she did the same thing today, but he ended up having a great day. And Addison didn't cry either day. YAY! She did end up taking her blanket to school with her both days, but if that's what makes her calm, then that's just fine with me. Luckily her teachers don't mind either.

Fischer does seem to be a bit anxious about the whole school thing. He even woke up last night and Monday night crying about not wanting to go to school. I'm hoping that as he gets more comfortable there, he won't be anxious and won't dread going. It breaks my heart when he says "I don't want to go to school. I'll go in the morning (in order to avoid going right then)!" while crying. I want them to be happy and have fun!

This week they've learned some new songs and made some pretty pictures, which are hanging on our refrigerator. Their theme this week was teddy bears, so they got to take bears with them today and have a picnic. They seemed to enjoy that.  Next week they get to start their weekly music classes! I know they will love it!

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