Monday, August 27, 2012

Last week was a week of school functions!

Last Sunday, August 19, we headed to Addison and Fischer's school for the annual popsicle drop-in. They got to quickly meet their teachers, and say hi to their friends. Not too many people were there, but we did get to meet teachers and the kids enjoyed their popsicles... blue for Fischer and green for Addison.

We found out that Addison would have Mrs. Rhonda this year while Fischer would have Miss Jennett. Yep, separate teachers! We made this decision over the summer, after A LOT of thought and a lot of tears (from me). I'm not sure where the tears came from, but it was a stressful decision for me. In the end, we felt like we made the best decision for our kids!

Tuesday night, Scott and I headed to the parent open house while Jim and Dianne hung out with the kids at home. We got to see their classrooms and talk a bit more with their teachers. Then, on Thursday, I headed back to school with Addison and Fischer for the meet the teacher day. They got to spend about 30 minutes in their rooms, playing with all of the new stuff. I was thankful for this day because the kids got to see their individual rooms... we prepared the best we could for being in separate classes but I think getting to actually see their rooms with me there was helpful.

Friday, August 24, was the big day! Scott and I took the kids together. Scott took Fischer to his room, while I took Addison to hers, which is right next door. They are actually connected by a door and a shared bathroom! Scott was in and out of Fischer's room - he went right in and started playing. It took me a bit longer with Addison but she didn't cry, which is HUGE for her! I was so proud of both of them. When I went to get them that day, both teachers said they'd had wonderful days! Yay!

I can't wait to see how the year goes, and what different types of things they learn since they have different teachers. It was fun hearing them tell each other about their day!

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