Wednesday, December 23, 2009

As I mentioned yesterday, Addison and Fischer got to spend some time with Grandma, Grandpa, and Great-Grandma Suttle.  We took them to NC on Thursday and came home on Monday. Scott and I were supposed to leave for Asheville Friday morning, but because there was some possible snow coming, we decided to leave Thursday night. This was supposed to be a relaxing getaway with friends, but that wasn't so much the case.

We got snowed in at our cabin because of the 14 inches of snow that fell on Friday. Then, we lost power AND water, and when it was time to leave on Sunday, Scott and Jason had to dig our cars out (that took 3 hours).  I was nervous the whole time that we wouldn't get back to Addison and Fischer for several more days, and I was already sad about leaving them (even though I knew they were having fun).  To top it off, Christine was 9 months pregnant and we were so worried she'd go into labor. Thankfully she didn't! We also had a tour set up at the Biltmore and weren't able to go to that either. Luckily we had a gas fireplace, a gas grill and plenty of food. At least it's an interesting story to tell!

While we were snowed in, Addison and Fisher were having a great time. They got to see their first snow, and even got to go sit in it. Apparently Addison wasn't impressed. They also had some new toys to play with, and I'm sure they were carried around a lot, which they love. They took great naps while they were there, and slept pretty well at night.

When we got back to my parents on Sunday afternoon, we did our Christmas with them. Addison and Fischer got to open their very first gifts. They weren't quite sure what to do...Fischer tried to rip the paper, and Addison just touched it very lightly.

Here are some pictures of the snow in Asheville, and of Addison and Fischer having fun. They set up a "baby jail" similar to the one at home. I hear they didn't spend much time in there, and spent most of their time crawling around the kitchen instead.

In other news, Addison and Fischer have been very busy. They both still crawl everywhere, and Addison is pulling up on everything. She is even now trying to step up, even though there isn't anything to step on. She has also tried a couple times to take a step sideways, but hasn't had success yet. It won't be long though. Fischer is pulling up onto his knees much more, especially when it's my lap. Just today, he pulled up into the standing position onto my suitcase that was on the floor. He then climbed on top of the suitcase and was laying there, all by himself!

Tomorrow, we will start their new eating schedule. The major change is that they won't get their solid food and bottle at 8 pm. Instead they will just get a bottle, and will eat a bigger meal at 6 pm. Wish us luck that they still sleep well! I will keep you posted.

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