Sunday, December 6, 2009

We've had a busy, but relaxing weekend that included several firsts for Addison and Fischer!

For starters, Thursday night they tried canned green beans for the first time. We are stepping up our efforts with table foods, so we thought green beans would be a good start. They did great, and we had no gagging episodes! They had some on Friday night too and enjoyed them just as much.  Today at the store we bought some canned peas, carrots, pears and peaches for them to try next.

Saturday morning, we went to Wal-Mart to do some Christmas shopping. This included getting Addison and Fischer's gifts even though they were with us. Something felt very wrong about that, but they didn't know. Next year, we'll have to make other arrangements! When we were checking out, the cashier was talking to the babies. When it was time to leave, she said "bye bye" and waved, and Addison waved back! That was the first wave for her, and she hasn't done it again despite my many efforts.

Saturday afternoon, we went to the first birthday party of the triplets that we sometimes have play dates with. It was fun, and we got to watch three babies get messy in their cakes. It was a nice preview of what's to come for us in February!  Addison and Fischer got to try their first taste of cake, and they LOVED it! Fischer even screamed when we took it away, but he was fine once the plate was out of sight.

Today, we went to get pizza for dinner. The babies enjoyed some crust, and also tried shredded mozzarella for the first time. They were a little confused at first but seemed to like it once they got used to it. The Doctor suggested trying some shredded cheese every now and then to see how they tolerate dairy.

Several times since Thursday, Fischer has gotten on his knees.  A couple of times when I was on the floor with him, he pulled up onto his knees while leaning on my leg.  He also got up on his knees and elbows a couple of times. We aren't quite sure if he's trying to get on his hands and knees to crawl, or trying to figure out how to pull up so he can see more of what Addison gets to see now that she's standing a lot. I guess only time will tell!!

As hard as it is to believe, I didn't take one picture over the weekend. I will be sure to take some this week and get some new ones on here!

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