Thursday, February 18, 2010

I guess Fischer didn't want to feel left out of all the clapping that Addison's been doing! He started clapping yesterday and has been doing it more and more. I just love seeing both of them clapping at the same time! :)

He has also started fake sneezing. Yesterday he sneezed for real, and I said "Bless you."  He smiled, then "sneezed" again.  So now if I do a fake sneeze, he will sometimes do one back. It sounds more like "Aaaaa-chi"... sort of... it's really hard to write the sounds that they make! He has also been repeating the word dog.

A friend came over today to watch the babies for a couple of hours, and when she was leaving today and saying "bye-bye" they both waved and said their version of bye back. So cute!!

We have really decreased the amount of baby food that they've been getting. They don't seem to miss it too much. They've been having toast along with something else in the mornings, and we've been doing different things for lunch and dinner. Tonight for dinner they had macaroni and cheese, with ham mixed in.  I don't think I've ever seen them eat so fast! We are very lucky because we have yet to come across a food that they won't eat... hopefully it stays that way!

Official Birthday Countdown:  4 Days!!

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