Sunday, February 28, 2010

Well, so much for hoping that Fischer and I would stay germ-free.  Today, all 4 of us had a cold. Addison probably felt the best out of all of us, so hopefully we'll all be feeling better tomorrow.  Fischer was up at midnight last night... I knew as soon as I heard him cry that he was sick too. It was a different type of cry, and when I walked into his room, I could tell he couldn't breath through his nose. His crying woke Addison up and it took awhile to get them both back to sleep.  Hopefully tonight we'll all get some good sleep!

Fischer wasn't as fussy as I thought he'd be. He didn't seem to have as much of an appetite, but he still ate pretty well.  Here is a picture of Fischer with his first cold...

Fischer is now also pointing at pictures of dogs around our house and saying "dah."  Also,  we increased Fischer to 4 ounces of whole milk per feeding today, while we increased Addison to 3 ounces of soy milk! We are slowly but surely finishing up with formula.

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