Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Addison and Fischer are 16 months old today! To celebrate, we took a trip to the zoo this morning.  We went early and kept it short because of the heat. When we left to come home at 10:30, it was already 92 degrees.  Since we went earlier, most of the animals were very active, so it was a lot of fun to watch Addison and Fischer watch the animals.

As I watched them, I wondered if they knew that the animals they were seeing in person were the same ones they see in a lot of their books?!  When we were walking around the farm area, Fischer said "moo" to the cow. So funny!

Here are a few pictures:

Here are a few updates for 16 months:

- Addison wears size 4 diapers, Fischer wears size 3 diapers, and they are both wearing size 5 diapers at night. Yes, we have 3 sizes of diapers going on, but once Fischer finishes his current box of size 3, he'll move on to size 4!
- They are both still napping twice a day, averaging 1 to 1 1/2 hours.
- They are both mimicking more and more each day.
-  Fischer has tried to climb out of his crib once... he didn't succeed, but we'll have to watch him closely!
- Both are decent at using a spoon, when we remember to let them have one.  I really need to be better about this!

Also, I'd like to wish my parents a Happy 36th Anniversary!! We all love you! :)

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