Monday, June 14, 2010

Saturday was a project kind of day. After feeding Addison and Fischer breakfast around 7, Scott took them to the farmer's market in town.  He was going after cucumbers so he could make pickles! While they were there, I went out and hit up some yard sales. I was searching for some new toys for Addison and Fischer. I was happy with my finds, and hope to slowly introduce their new toys so that they'll last awhile! It's nice for Scott and I too, because we get a break from the same old songs on the same old toys. :) The first one I gave them was a dump truck with the back full of large legos. I got all of that for $1, and just had to spend a little time cleaning it up.  Fischer immediately fit some of the legos together - I was surprised, and very proud! Addison is working hard on getting them to snap together, and I think she'll succeed in no time!

Once they were down for their 9:00 naps, Scott and I got to work making dill pickles.  Scott sterilized all the jars, and we worked together making the brine and filling the jars! 

Here is Scott chopping the cucumbers. We made 18 jars of pickles...some are spears and some are chips! 

The jars waiting to be filled...

Scott filling the jars with brine and sealing them up...

And the jars are ready to go into the boiling water to make sure they are sealed up!

We wrote the date on the top of the jars, and now we have to wait about a month to try them. We had a lot of cucumbers leftover, so Scott made a few more jars, so he could try out a few different ideas. He made some that will sit in the refrigerator until we can open them (the ones we made together sit in a cool, dry place), and he made some very thinly sliced ones that should be ready before all of the other ones.

It's very rare that Scott and I get to do a project like this together, so it was really fun.  We plan on canning some tomatoes later in the season, so hopefully Addison and Fischer will cooperate so Scott and I can work on that project together, too! 

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