Monday, July 25, 2011

What a day.

You might recall that I attempted to start potty training a couple of weekends ago and ended up stopping the same day I started. I just couldn't handle it! Since then, we've been letting the kids use their potties throughout the day if they felt like it, but we definitely weren't forcing it. As of yesterday, they were both going several times a day - both #1 and #2.

I felt like it was time to step it up. But this time, I decided to focus on Addison first. This morning after breakfast, I put her in her big girl "undies" and the fun began! Fischer asked for his big boy undies, but I told him his turn was coming and focused his attention on something else and he was fine for the rest of the day.

I must say, Addison did SOO great!! I am so proud of her! I asked/told her to go potty every 20-30 minutes, but a lot of the time she would go on her own before then. She got to flush each time, but sometimes she got an M&M as an extra reward. At one point, before naptime, I thought we were in trouble. She was refusing to put her undies back on and was on the verge of having a melt down. So, I offered her an M&M and that's all it took!

She only had 1 tiny accident the entire day and that was tonight when were were all playing before bath time.  She got so excited during her game of "open the closet door and yell surprise" that she peed a little bit. But that was it!

I think I will give it another day or 2 before I start with Fischer. I do think he's ready, but only time will tell.... he did go on the potty several times today even though he was wearing a diaper.

The hardest part is not being able to leave the house these first couple of days (and then again with Fischer's first couple of days). But, it'll be worth it to be done with diapers!

Here's hoping that tomorrow goes just as well!

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