Wednesday, September 29, 2010

We've been staying busy around here, so I haven't had time to do much blogging.  Here are a few updates to keep you up to speed:

* Last Friday, we put 2 ounces of whole milk in with Addison's soy milk, to hopefully begin the transition to whole milk only.  She drank it in the morning, then proceed to cry. All day. I'm not exaggerating... I'd say she didn't cry for a total of 30 minutes (not counting nap time).  I'm not sure if it was a coincidence and she was having an off day, or if it was the milk. I'm too scared to try again right now though - maybe in a week or two.

* They both seem to enjoy their gym class, and we've had fun singing some of the songs at home.

* They are still napping well on their new schedule. Their average naps have gone from 2 hours to about 1.5 hours, but they are sleeping 30-45 minutes later in the morning, so I guess it all evens out.

* The new schedule is definitely causing me to have less time to myself. This is also one of the reasons I seem to be falling behind with the blog, along with many other things. I am still adjusting, and will figure out my new routine soon!

* They are trying out size 5 diapers during the day. We ran out of size 4 and have quite a stash of 5s (thanks mom!) so we'll see how they do. They still seem pretty big, but I thought I'd give them a try since we have so many.

* Addison has a runny nose. I really hope it isn't a cold.

* They are really enjoying the cooler weather and the extra outside time. Sunday, we let them play in the rain, which they loved. Here they are playing...I don't think Fischer loves anything more than getting muddy.

And here they are drinking water from their "special cups."

We are heading to get Fischer's hair cut again... I hope he does just as well this time as he did last time!

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