Sunday, January 23, 2011

As I mentioned, Addison and Fischer were 23 months old yesterday!

They are still doing and saying so many new things that it's hard to keep up with. That's part of why I haven't blogged much lately - it's sort of overwhelming trying to put everything they are doing into words! They stay busy all day long... talking, playing and getting into trouble. :) It amazes me how much they understand now and how many more directions they are able to follow (when they want to, that is).

Our biggest change right now is that we are slowly transitioning them to 2% milk.  So far, they are both tolerating it well. We have been mixing just a little 2% milk with their current milk (soy for Addison and whole for Fischer). It will be nice if we can get them both on the same type of milk, but not a big deal at all if it doesn't work out.

They had a busy day yesterday. Not only did they get to ride Dumbo at the toy store, but they also helped us clean in the morning...

Then Addison took care of her new baby doll (that we got while at the toy store)....

She wrapped her up, rocked her, gave her a "ba ba" and even burped her. Then decided to let her take a nap in a box...

Fischer was busy playing with his new Matchbox cars...

On Friday, we went over to look at our new foundation! We let Addison and Fischer run around on the inside of the foundation walls and they had a great time.

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