Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Despite the warmer days we've been having, it has taken quite awhile for our snow to melt. The lot where we are building our house stays shady (which will be great in the summer!) so it took even longer for the snow to melt there, which meant even more of a delay in the building process.

Finally, today, they were there working! They laid a lot of the block and it's looking great. I watched them for awhile, sort of in awe. I have no idea how they know what they're doing, or how they lay that block so straight!

Below is part of the house that needs a lot more block since we are building on a hill.

This is the front corner of the house...

And this is where the deck and porch will be...

All of the blocks...

And the very important porta-potty...

I'm so excited to go back tomorrow and/or Friday to see what else has been done!

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