Saturday, March 5, 2011

Oh my gosh. Having two two year olds is no joke. Did they really become more of a challenge in the past couple of weeks since turning 2?? Everyday seems to bring new challenges, but they are also saying and doing more each day, which makes it fun!

Here are some things they are doing at 2:

They both wear size 5 Pampers during the day and size 6 Huggies Overnites at night.
They go to bed around 7:30 pm and wake up between 7 and 7:30 am every morning.
They take one nap a day, after lunch, which usually lasts about 2 hours.
Addison is drinking soy milk.
Fischer is drinking 2% milk.
They are both wearing 24 month and 2T clothes most of the time - Fischer still has some 18 month pants that fit.
Addison is wearing a size 6 shoe.
Fischer is wearing a size 6 shoe but is about to need to move up to a 7.
Addison eats almost everything but is very consistent about not eating broccoli and cauliflower.
Fischer is the pickier of the two when it comes to food, but he also eats most things. He is currently obsessed with grapes, raisins, fries and oatmeal.
They both know some of the colors and can do some counting if they are in the mood.
They get juice every once in awhile but mainly drink milk and water.

There are so many more things I could list, but I'll stop there for now.

Here are some other random tidbits:

Both Addison and Fischer talk all the time now. I don't think they stop talking from the moment they wake up until they go to sleep. I can't always understand what they are saying (which really annoys them), but their speech is getting better and better each day. They are starting to say more 3 word phrases, and it's so weird to hear them talk in complete sentences!

Fischer's newest phrase is "I do it." He wants to do EVERYTHING himself.  He also says "_____ coming soon?" a lot. For instance, if he knows they are having oatmeal for breakfast, he'll say "Oatmeal coming soon?" until it's actually in front of him.  He is very active, but still loves to sit on the couch with us and read books. He'd be happy to listen to us read all day long. He even knows the names of the books by looking at their covers (even if it has been put away for several weeks).  He is surprising us with how many letters and numbers he knows, and even pointed to and said "pie-apple" this morning when we asked what started with a P.

He's a clumsy little guy and loves to say "oh my" or "oh dear" when he falls. He also likes us to acknowledge things that he says and will repeat them over and over until we respond.  He loves to play rough with Addison, which almost always results in someone crying, but I love hearing them laugh together before it gets to that point.

Addison is quite a demanding little thing and we are really trying to work on manners (with Fischer too). She has started saying "now" at the end of her requests, which doesn't make us happy... she'll say "Milk now" or "Mickey Mouse now." We are always reminding them to say please, and they do well with it. However, now, we are having to explain that saying please doesn't always get you what you want, and they aren't liking that. Sometimes she refers to herself as Addison and sometimes she says I. She likes to say things like "Addison's water too?" if Fischer got his water, or "Addison's clothes too?" She also likes to tap my arm and say "Go Mommy!" if she wants me to do something - it's actually funny because I think she thinks she's being encouraging!

In additon to being demanding, she is also very motherly. She likes to take care of all of us. She is always taking Fischer his sippy cup or a toy, or worried about if he is getting food, etc. A couple of weeks ago, she wouldn't eat any more of her food until I took a bite of mine (even though my plate was already empty). She kept trying to give me her food and said "Mommy eat? Mommy eat?" I finally had to give myself a little more food so that she'd eat her dinner too! She is also worried when other kids cry, or animals in books look sad.

I need to start writing more of the funny stuff they say down. They make me laugh a lot, and their imaginations are becoming more and more apparent each day. Just yesterday, they put mulch in their buckets outside and told me they were making soup! I just love that they are now coming up with these things on their own.

I am having a hard time finding the time these days to blog, but I am really going to try to do more. I don't want to forget anything that's going on with them now!

And now, I'd like to introduce the newest member of our family, Buddy! Scott and Addison picked him out today. His name is Buddy because Addison was trying to say "bunny" and it came out "Buddy" so it sort of stuck. So far, Addison wants to hold him all the time, while Fischer likes to "tickle" him, then walk away and play with something else.

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