Friday, March 18, 2011

Some random tidbits on this Friday:

It is hot outside, and it worries me that this summer is going to be SO hot.  We've been playing outside a lot today, and Addison and Fischer love getting dirty. They even like talking about dirt. We took a trip to the Dollar Tree today (where everything really was just one dollar!) and got them new buckets and shovels, since Bo chewed up their old shovels.

We've had Buddy almost two weeks now. He came home in a little wire cage and didn't have much room to move around. We felt bad, so Scott built him his very own "penthouse" that has 3 levels! So far, Buddy seems to prefer the middle level.

Last night, we were on a walk after dinner. We were pulling the kids in the wagon and heard one of them say "Well, well, well...." And then that was it. It was so funny! They are starting to say some seriously funny things.

Addison's molar hasn't broken through yet, but I expect it to soon. She still isn't sleeping great at night, which is exhausting for all of us.

Scott went to the house and said they are about 1/3 done with the siding. We are going to go over there tomorrow, so I will post so new pictures after that!

Oh, here are Addison and Fischer on St. Patrick's Day. I didn't buy them anything special this year. I can hardly believe it's their THIRD St. Patrick's Day. It's impossible to get them both to look at the camera.

And lastly, I finished another book! I read The Secret Life of Bees and really liked it. I really want to see the movie now!  I've already started my next book, on Scott's recommendation. We'll see how I like it!

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